Code of Practice & Ethics

Code of Practice & Ethics

Achieve International always believes in maintaining higher ethical standards while doing business. This code of conduct will help to guide our colleagues and partners to maintain highest standards to uphold our values and attributes. It is a proven fact that honesty, integrity and accountability are the driving forces behind our success.

  • Achieve International makes every effort to ensure that all the documents are verified through the rotary public in Nepal to prevent any false documentation of the candidates/workers.
  • We believe in respect of every individuals and to value for their dignity without any discrimination by gender, color, cast, ethnicity etc.
  • Whilst we realize that in many cases the main motivation of a foreign employee may be financial, we do encourage them to learn about the community they will be travelling to and living in, as well as the opportunity to improve their professional and language skills.
  • We always encourage employers to make use of skills assessment videos or come to the country of the applicants to conduct a live skills assessment. As it may take longer, it significantly reduces the risk of unsuitable skills levels.
  • We value and believe in mutual respect. Treating each other with respect and fairness makes us more effective in collaboration for gaining success.
  • Maintaining the privacy of both the parties is the key to building solid relationship for mutual understandings and benefits.
  • We care about the health and safety of the employees. A healthy workforce can achieve optimum results.
  • We believe in the use of social/electronic media must be done in ethical way by every individuals while communicating. It should not harm any parties for any reason.
  • We are against the discrimination at workplace by any means. We believe in equality with respect for everyone.
  • We make every effort to see all applicants in person and face-to-face. We do bulk interviews and recruitment trips in different part of country regularly. Our local agents are well trained for the tight screening process.